


2024-02-28 16:49

  有需求就有市场 ,当下非标自动化生产线的需求越来越多 ,客户的需求也各不相同 ,要想知足客户的生产需求和手艺要求 ,必需有足够富厚的非标装备额设计及实践履历 。开云体育有多年的非标设计履历 ,有完整的效劳流程及手艺规范能够凭证客户的差别需求 ,设计出切合客户生产需求的非标自动化生产线 。
  Where there is demand, there is a market. Currently, there is an increasing demand for non-standard automated production lines, and customer needs are also different. To meet customer production and technical requirements, it is necessary to have sufficient experience in designing and practicing non-standard equipment. Shandong Hongbao Automation Co., Ltd. has many years of experience in non-standard design, with a complete service process and technical specifications to design non-standard automated production lines that meet the different needs of customers.

  非标自动化生产线相关于标准装备而言有着显著的特点 ,也是标准装备无法相比的优势 ,这也是为什么更多的企业选择定制非标类的装备 。非标装备有哪些特点呢?
  Non standard automated production lines have significant characteristics compared to standard equipment, and are also an advantage that standard equipment cannot match. This is also why more enterprises choose to customize non-standard equipment. What are the characteristics of non-standard equipment?
  Customization can be made according to different customer needs
  非标装备是先有需求 ,后有产品 。这是与标准装备和其它标准件的最大区别 。标准装备是装备提供商凭证市场需求 ,先将装备设计制作出来 ,装备的功效、性能已经确定下来 。非标装备则是凭证用户要求提供个性化装备产品和效劳 。
  Non standard equipment has demand first and then products. This is the biggest difference from standard equipment and other standard components. Standard equipment is designed and manufactured by equipment providers based on market demand, and the functions and performance of the equipment have been determined. Non standard devices provide personalized device products and services based on user requirements.
  2.非标装备具有多样性和可能性 。
  Non standard equipment has diversity and possibilities.
  既然是非标装备 ,那么在实现既定目的的条件下 ,其要领也会有多种 ,这时间就需要有履历的设计师凭证客户生产的现真相形来选择更适合产品、效率更高的设计计划 。虽然 ,也要看客户的现实需求 ,有的客户看重装备的主要性能 ,有的客户较量重视价钱 。
  Since it is a non-standard equipment, there will be various methods to achieve the established goals. In this case, experienced designers need to choose a more suitable and efficient design solution based on the actual production situation of the customer. Of course, it also depends on the actual needs of the customers. Some customers value the main performance of the equipment, while others value the price more.
  3.开发周期短 。
  Short development cycle.
  非标装备的用户 ,一旦需求提出 ,给出的交货期会很短 。短的1-2个月 ,长的6-24个月 。一样平常汽车零部件的非标自动化装备的开发周期 ,小项目4-6个月 ,大项目5-12个月 。
  For users of non-standard equipment, once a demand is raised, the delivery time given will be very short. Short 1-2 months, long 6-24 months. The development cycle of non-standard automation equipment for general automotive components is 4-6 months for small projects and 5-12 months for large projects.
  4.价钱差别大 。
  There is a significant price difference.
  差别的计划价钱差别较大 ,接纳差别的零配件和第三方装备 ,也影响装备的价钱 。接纳什么计划很洪流平取决于客户的着重点和综合评估 ,也取决于设计方对项目手艺实现和危害的综合评估 。
  Different solutions have significant price differences, and the use of different spare parts and third-party equipment also affects the price of the equipment. The choice of solution largely depends on the client's focus and comprehensive evaluation, as well as the designer's comprehensive assessment of project technology implementation and risks.
  The competition is very fierce
  海内的自动化装备公司有上万家 ,由于入行门槛较低 ,而做非标自动化的公司多如牛毛 ,这就需要客户在选择的时间能够对自动化企业举行实地考察 ,是否能够与客户的需求想匹配 ,并且高效的完成非标自动化产线的使命 。
  There are tens of thousands of domestic automation equipment companies, but due to the low entry threshold, there are many companies engaged in non-standard automation. This requires customers to conduct on-site inspections of automation enterprises when choosing, whether they can match their needs, and efficiently complete the tasks of non-standard automation production lines.
  6.危害较高 。
  The risk is relatively high.
  相较于标准装备 ,非标装备开发的危害较高 。一方面取决于装备提供商的技实力 ,另一方面取决于对需求的评估 。评估越充分 ,危害越小 ,反之危害越大 。另外一方面 ,特殊是针对汽车零部件行业 ,项目投资本钱也较量高 ,一条非标自动化生产线动辄上万万甚至上亿 ,若是失败 ,则损失很是重大 。因此 ,供需双方都必需对项目手艺可行性和项目危害有足够的熟悉 。
  Compared to standard equipment, the risk of developing non-standard equipment is higher. On the one hand, it depends on the technical strength of the equipment provider, and on the other hand, it depends on the evaluation of demand. The more thorough the evaluation, the smaller the risk, and vice versa, the greater the risk. On the other hand, especially for the automotive parts industry, project investment costs are also relatively high. A non-standard automated production line can easily cost tens of millions or even billions. If it fails, the losses will be huge. Therefore, both the supply and demand sides must have sufficient understanding of the technical feasibility and project risks of the project.
  开云体育拥有富厚的非标设计履历 ,优质的售后效劳系统 ,以前期的考察、计划设计、装配等种种生产
  Shandong Hongbao Automation Co., Ltd. has rich experience in non-standard design and a high-quality after-sales service system, covering various production processes such as preliminary inspection, scheme design, and assembly

